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Netherfield Primary School

Netherfield Primary School


Early Years Foundation Stage

Free childcare places are available at Netherfield Primary School

If you have a young child, they may be entitled to a free nursery or early years’ place.  Admission to our nursery provision is managed by the school and we invite you to apply for a free early years place for your child.

Please check below to see if they are eligible

2 Year Olds

We offer a limited number of free nursery places for two year olds. You may be eligible if you receive one of the following benefits:

  • Income support
  • Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
  • Income-related employment support allowance
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • Guarantee element of state pension credit
  • Child tax credit and also that your household’s yearly income does not exceed £16,190 (as assessed by Her Majesty's Revenue and Customs)
  • You receive Working Tax Credits and your household’s gross annual earnings are no more than £16,190 as above
  • Your child receives Disability Living Allowance.


  • Our home address is in Nottinghamshire, and 
  • They are classed as a "looked after child"
  • Have left care through special guardianship or an adoption or residence order.


  • Your child has an Education Health and Care plan

In addition, the government has announced that:

  • from April 2024, all eligible working parents of two-year-olds will be able to access funding for 15 hours per week of education and care for 38 weeks of the year.

To be eligible, each parent or carer must earn more than the equivalent of 16 hours at the national living wage or minimum wage per week. This means that over the next three months, you expect to earn at least £1,976 - the National Living Wage if you are 23 or older.

If you, or your partner, are on maternity, paternity or adoption leave, or you're unable to work because you are disabled or have caring responsibilities, you could still be eligible.

Admission Dates

Date when your child turns two

Admission date

1 September to 31 December

Start of the Spring term

1 January and 31 March

Start of the Summer term

1 April and 31 August

Start of the Autumn term

3 and 4 Year Olds - 15 Hours

All three-and four-year-olds are entitled to 15 hours of free nursery education for 38 weeks of the year. This applies until they reach compulsory school age (the term following their fifth birthday).

Netherfield Primary and Pre-School currently offers 39 morning and 39 afternoon free nursery places and, subject to places being available.

Admission Dates

Children who turn three in

Admission date

January, February or March

Start of the Summer term

April, May, June, July or August

Start of the Autumn term

September, October, November or December

Start of the Spring term

3 and 4 Year Olds - 30 Hours

We offer 30 hours free nursery provision for working parents. If eligible, you will be entitled to an extra 570 hours of free childcare a year giving you 1,140 hours in total.

To be eligible, each parent or carer must earn more than the equivalent of 16 hours at the national living wage or minimum wage per week. This means that over the next three months, you expect to earn at least £1,976 - the National Living Wage if you are 23 or older.

If you, or your partner, are on maternity, paternity or adoption leave, or you're unable to work because you are disabled or have caring responsibilities, you could still be eligible.

You can't claim the additional hours if you, or your partner, expect to earn £100,000 or more. For further information about Netherfield’s additional funded childcare offer please speak to Mrs Langley, our School Business Manager or visit the government's Childcare Choices website.

Admission Dates

Children turns three between

Eligibility code issued

Child will be funded from

April - August

April, May, June, July or August

Autumn term

April - August

September, October, November or December

Spring term

April - August

January, February or March

Summer term

January – March

April, May, June, July or August

Autumn term

January – March

September, October, November or December

Spring term

January – March

January, February or March

Summer term

September - December

April, May, June, July or August

Autumn term

September - December

September, October, November or December

Spring term

September - December

January, February or March

Summer term

Help Paying for Childcare

Families often struggle with the cost of childcare because they are unaware that there is support out there to help them, or they believe that they will not be eligible to receive any assistance.

There are various benefits and schemes designed to help families meet this challenge and more information is available by clicking here.

Full Time School Applications (Reception, Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2)

Full Time Reception/In Year Transfers

‘Netherfield Primary School Joint Local Governing Body have approved their own Admissions policy which will be followed for entry to school from September 2024.  Please find a copy of the policy below.

Admissions applications for Netherfield Primary School are received through Nottinghamshire County Council’s co-ordinated scheme for first admission to school, and for in-year transfers.

If you wish to make an application, please click on the following link:

We advise that you check your catchment area before applying for school places.  You can check your catchment area by clicking on this link:

Netherfield Primary School’s catchment can be viewed by clicking on the following link:

If you have a query about your application to Netherfield Primary School, please contact Equals Trust Admissions team by telephone on 0115 9143211 or by email:

Admissions Appeals

The Admissions Appeals process for all Equals Trust schools engages Nottinghamshire County Council’s Independent Appeals Panel.  None of the members who sit on the panels have any connection to Equals Trust schools.

The Admissions Appeals process is free to parents/carers, as the cost is paid by the school.

Nottinghamshire County Council's Admissions Information

Nottinghamshire County Council has a wide range of admissions documentation for parents/carers available on their website:

Visit this site to access          

  • When to apply for a school place
  • Key dates
  • Determined admission arrangements
  • Ofsted reports