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Netherfield Primary School

Netherfield Primary School


Uniform Policy

It is our school policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school or whilst participating in school organised activities and trips.

This policy is based on the belief that school uniform:

  • Promotes a sense of pride in the school
  • Gives a sense of community and belonging
  • Is practical and smart
  • Identifies children with the school
  • Prevents the children from coming to school in fashion clothes that could be distracting in class
  • Helps children feel equal to their peers in terms of appearance
  • Is regarded as suitable, and good value for money, by most parents
  • Is designed with health and safety in mind

This is not an exhaustive list and we would ask parents/carers to support the ‘spirit’ of a school uniform.

School Uniform 

  • White shirt/polo shirt
  • Grey or black trousers/shorts/skirt/pinafore
  • Navy sweatshirt/cardigan/fleece
  • Blue and white checked dress (summer only)
  • Black shoes

PE Kit


Children should wear their PE kit on the days they have PE, this prevents lost learning time and lost clothes. The following are recommended:

  • Black shorts
  • White t-shirt
  • Plimsolls/pumps


  • Leggings/jogging bottoms
  • White t-shirt
  • Suitable outdoor trainers

Children may also wear sweatshirts, tracksuits/jogging suits in colder weather outdoors.  These items should be worn over t-shirts and shorts and not as a replacement. All PE kit should be brought to school in a draw string PE kit bag and kept in the appropriate place in your child’s classroom.


  • Swimming trunks for boys
  • One-piece swimming costume for girls (no bikinis etc.)
  • Towel
  • Goggles may be worn if parent/carer provides written consent to the teacher

Please ensure that long hair is tied back for PE/Games and Swimming lessons.

Book Bags / PE Bags

  • Available in Navy, Red and Royal blue (Embroidered)


  • Pupils may wear one pair of small, plain stud earrings. Hooped and drop earrings are not allowed for health and safety reasons.
  • ALL jewellery must be removed for PE lessons, or covered with a plaster. 

Purchasing and Stockist Information

A small amount of uniform stock is kept in school for sale and the following items can be purchased from the office via the Arbor Parent App:

  • Netherfield navy sweatshirt/cardigan/fleece with school logo
  • Book bags and PE bags

All embroidered items are purchased by the school from Just-School Wear Ltd. and are sold at cost price.

Trousers/skirts/pinafores and polo shirts can be purchased from any clothing retailer or supermarket.

IMPORTANT – All items of your child’s clothing MUST be named. The school cannot be held responsible for returning un-named school uniform.

Thank you for your help in making sure all Netherfield pupils are smartly dressed in the correct uniform. If you have any queries or concerns about uniform, please speak to your child’s class teacher or a member of staff in the school office.

Jon Crone